
Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnamese Monk)

""Come and join Nikki Pattillo as she talks about Heaven and Angels and passes on information on what her Angels have told her.
Subscribe to the channel so you won't miss out what comes up next.""

"Nikki Pattillo's YouTube Channel."

""Children of the Stars: Advice for Parents and Star Children""

Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble:

"Children of the Stars: Advice for Parents and Star Children by Nikki Pattillo - Amazon."

"Children of the Stars: Advice for Parents and Star Children by Nikki Pattillo -Barnes and Noble."<

"A Spiritual Evolution"

Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble:

A Spiritual Evolution by Nikki Pattillo - Amazon.

A Spiritual Evolution by Nikki Pattillo -Barnes and Noble.

Please feel free to contact me at

I would love to hear your stories and share your wisdom with you. You can also write me at my publishing house with your stories, pictures or questions at:

Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. c/o Nikki Pattillo

Thank you again for being here on a group mission to help save this planet and the people on it. We are all blessed to have Star children here helping us. In Love and Light, Nikki Pattillo

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